
How To Get More Patients To Your Clinic Doors Today

John Selwan
October 6, 2022
· 8 min read
doctor and patients

1- Use Content marketing, it’s free. 

Content marketing done correctly is superpower. Imagine having thousands of followers on your social media, do you think it will be difficult to find new patients? Of course not. 

This is Doctor Mike on Youtube. He has 10 million subscribers. I guarantee you if he had 100s of clinics he will fill them all in one day. 

Obviously, I’m not asking you to be Doctor Mike. Maybe you don’t want to be that famous or create this kind of content. 

But this is a way that is free and accessible to anyone. 

Here’s what I recommend:

Since Tiktok's inception, the use of short-term content has exploded. People can now post short-form content and it could be seen by thousands and thousands of people. 

Do that. Create short-form content on Instagram, youtube, and TikTok sharing simple educational videos. Depending on your field, talk about some tips on prevention, educate on proper hygiene, etc.

By doing this you will begin building relationships with your potential patients. And when the time comes you will be in their mind already trusting you. 

2-Get your existing patients to bring you more patients

Most of your patients will always come from referrals. From the cousin, the friend, the neighbors, etc.. 

All those existing patients know even more people that could need your medical services. The idea is to design your practice in such a way referrals come automatically. Below you will find some tips to set your clinic for referrals.

1- Actually care and provide exceptional service. When people are amazed by their experience they go tell their peers. Naturally, their peers will want the same. Make sure the experience of your patients is the best possible.

2- Build relationships. Don’t only provide your consultation or service, get to know them and build rapport. Once the relationship is at a certain point you can comfortably ask if they know anyone who would be interested or at least ask for a review.

3-Create an affiliate system. Depending on your practice you could do a special offer for every new patient that got referred by an old one.

3- Help other doctors and they will help you

Another way to get referrals is from other doctors. Sometimes patients have different needs and you recommend them to another doctor. 

A physiotherapist recommends an osteopath. A cosmetic dentist recommends an endodontist. 

This is exactly what you want. You may be already doing this. Depending on your specialty think of all the adjacent specialties your patients may need. Then, begin sending them patients. By sending them first they will naturally want to reciprocate by sending you, patients. 

4- Referrals are not really working what else?

Sometimes patients ask for doctor recommendations but no one can recommend a good one. Or the one they tried wasn’t good enough. So they go to google and type “doctor near me”. 

You should try to appear at the top of the search so that most of those people searching check your clinic first. 

How to do that? Here are some tips

1-Actually claim your google business profile

2-Make sure to have as many patients reviews as possible

3-Add pictures

This will already make you rank higher than most clinics

5- Your online receptionist

If you do the above- content marketing, rank on google maps, and have referrals, the potential patients will want to know more about what you do. The best place for that is a good website. 

Think of your website like your online receptionist.  It should do everything a receptionist could.

-Information about your services

-Your credentials


-A way to book a session online

Put effort into it and you will see great ROI.

6-A good doctor is a good salesman

Let’s be very honest here. 

Yes, you are here to help people. 

Yes, it's healthcare and it has to stay ethical.

But when a patient asks about your services, the conversation could also be considered a sales call. 

Now the goal isn’t to “close” them no matter what. But having some basic sales skills will definitely help in handling inquiries about your clinic services. 

Rather than just answering their inquiries you could qualify them. Ask the questions to ensure that what you provide is what they need.

Rather than just leaving someone when he has an objection, you could prepare an answer that explains why it’s not the case.

By doing this you are leaving no one who could use your help but didn’t because the conversation wasn’t persuasive enough.

Finding new patients for your clinic will involve time and effort. You need to let people know that you are around, what your offer is and how they can contact you. You may also change the way you normally operate. 

But hopefully, those changes will lead to more patients coming which will help you grow your clinic.

And if you are looking for another way to grow your clinic check this out.

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